Decades ago, I had two opportunities to participate in two 75-piece orchestras comprised of high school students in the area where I lived. One of the things I learned during those experiences was the requirement to play in unison with other musicians around me. Without playing in harmonious unity with others, our sound was not gratifying to the listeners.
Comparatively speaking, in view of New Life’s corporate praying, Jesus used the same analogy to describe the function of group praying in Matthew 18:19-20. He emphasized agreement and the word He used for our praying in agreement we derive our word “symphony“. So Jesus was underscoring the need for unity and agreement when we pray in a corporate setting.
We can conclude from the words of Luke’s writing the Acts account describing the Day of Pentecost, that monumental moment was born from a “one accord” mindset for one purpose; carrying out the instructions of Jesus. As it was for them, I believe the Great Commission needs great praying, not just great preaching. The church was born in a prayer meeting, but since that time, it seems as though we have been more excited about Peter’s sermon that netted 3000 people rather than the days of prayer that preceded that great harvest of souls.
To my knowledge, before Pentecost, Jesus never sat the Apostles down and taught them how to preach. There is no record, that because of His great preaching He ever taught them the “how-to” of preaching. The fact is, it seems they were far more impressed with His praying than His preaching. So much so they asked Him to teach them how to pray to which He responded and taught them the Lord‘s prayer.
I am persuaded to believe that the environment of prayer-moments establishes priorities where victories are won, spiritual achievement is realized; rather than just vision from the pulpit. I think the greatest advantage the Holy Spirit has in shaping our perspective is when we are in prayer settings or in a prayer mode.
Prayer, at its core, its very center, is heart-felt intimate personal communication with the Father. Prayer is a privilege to share our core desires with Him without the fear of rejection because they may not conform to His plan as to how He desires to answer our petition. Prayer is the Father’s opportunity to spend time with us in personal communication as well as becoming part of our corporate prayer of agreement..
Prayer is a means by which we are able to look into the heart of the Father and become convinced of how much He loves us. To create a set of desires for us to become a reality in the Church’s outreach to a world in need of a Savior. It is through prayer we receive an understanding of the all-encompassing love of the Father. A love that reveals His desire for us to comprehend the privilege of dwelling in His presence as His beloved and cherished children. And becoming empowered through the Holy Spirit in order to accomplish, as agents, His goals for the vision of New Life and our perspective for spiritually successful outreach ministry.
– James Solomon
“Prayer, at its core, its very center, is heart-felt intimate personal communication with the Father.