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"When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God." - Leviticus 19:33-34

Church, in the summer of 2021, the government of Afghanistan collapsed, and the Taliban quickly assumed control precipitating a desperate exodus of several million “at risk” Afghan citizens from the country. The “Rahimis” (not their real name) were among the families whose lives were in serious risk due to their connections to the US-backed Afghan government, their advocacy for women in the country, and their minority ethnicity. A few of the family members found refuge here in Hampton Roads. Fourteen of the family members remain in Pakistan. Through our partnership with World Relief and the U.S. government’s Welcome Corps program, God has opened the door for us as a church to sponsor the “Rahimis, including nine children, to resettle in our community and be reunited with their family in the coming months (hear more of their story in the video above). Would you join us as we walk with the “Rahimi” family in rebuilding their lives and a hope-filled future in our community?  

Here's How You Can Help


  1. Special Offering: As a private sponsor working with the U.S. government and World Relief, we are required to raise approximately $2500 per refugee family member towards their initial living expenses. God has invited us to walk with the “Rahimi” family of fourteen. Our giving goal is a minimum of $35,000. Click the button below to give now. You may also give by cash or check (designating your gift to “refugee resettlement”) in your weekend service, at one our campus drop boxes, or by mailing your donation to New Life Church, 1244 Thompkins Ln, Virigina Beach, VA 23464 (Attn: Refugee Resettlement).  
  2. Furniture Donations: We are collecting donations of new and “well loved” used furniture to furnish two apartments for the “Rahimi” family. We need items such as beds, mattresses, dresser drawers, nightstands, dining tables and chairs, living room furniture, cookware, etc. Click on the button below to learn more about how you can help.  
  3. Join Our Good Neighbor Team! We need to add more volunteers to our Good Neighbor Resettlement team. We need core team members (a 6 to12-month commitment), as well as those who would like to assist on an “as needed” basis with such things as local transportation, English language conversation partners, finding employment opportunities, etc.  Click on the button below to indicate your interest and someone from the global outreach department will follow up with you.  

Questions? Need More Information?

If you have questions about refugee resettlement or would like to learn more about how to volunteer with our team, join us for a Resettlement Information Meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd at 7:00p at the Kempsville campus or contact us at [email protected]  

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…” – Jesus (Matthew 25:35)