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There is so much that we don’t understand. I think in general this is true. The whole idea of humility probably starts there. In light of our lack of understanding, my deeper concern is how quick the Church fills the airspace with words. 

Words declaring victory. 

Words declaring judgement. 

Words declaring revival. 

Words declaring blame. 




Our culture, Church culture to be even more specific, has been conditioned to fill every space possible with words. So don’t get me wrong, there seems to be a large market for words. A market of talking that is driven by the need to make sense of what’s happening around us in a time when we don’t have answers.

I was reminded that in the Book of Revelation, the first description of Jesus that we are given is that He is the faithful witness (Revelation 1.5). This is the same John who began his letter by declaring this same Jesus as the Eternal Word before Genesis. John in this moment connects two deeply profound items together:  Jesus the Word and a Faithful Witness. He does so to give us this description: 

μάρτυς | Witness | one who is a spectator

πιστός | Faithful | one who shows himself faithful in a transaction or execution of commands

Our point of connection today is that Jesus is the faithful witness ultimately not to Himself, but rather to the Father and Spirit. Jesus, the Word that was, is, and is to come (Revelation 1.8) will be known as the faithfulness witness because who He is, what He does, and how He does it is in alignment with the who, what, and how of Heaven. This is why He is the faithful witness. The Word is faithful to convey exactly what is needed in the moment. Both in content and in manner. 

Consider this, when Jesus walked the earth and uttered a multitude of words to so many, these were not simply random words, nor were they even Truth in an eternal sense. No, Jesus, spoke the perfect most complete relevant truth to those whom He spoke to. 

Jesus withdrew in prayer, out of a desire for Heaven, to gain Heaven’s desire, in order to speak Heaven’s desire. This is what the Church needs. Not just words. But a now word. A now word that is faithful to what Heaven’s intentions are. 

Some time ago I had a number of dreams where the Lord ushered me into a hallway with many doors. One doorway, among the many, was labeled prayer. In it was a single room with a chair in the middle of it. I saw a multitude of others, many ministers and churches walking past this specific door of prayer in order to go into other doors. Those other doors wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t the place of invitation. 

As I stood in the hallway, I heard clearly Him speak to me through the doorway where I was standing into the hall, He spoke from Revelation 4 “Come up here.” As I accepted His invitation to walk through the door way I turned around and saw every other doorpost shaking. 

The moment I stepped inside I heard the Lord say, “Come in and sit. Sit. Listen. Not to speak. But just to listen. Just sit. Be still. Don’t sit in order to speak, but just to listen to what I am doing. See what I am doing, I am shaking every other doorway that isn’t leading to the place of prayer and sitting. I am doing something unique in the land and those who sit to listen and hear I will give them the secrets of the Heavenly council. And in that day they will speak a now word that the world is looking for. Many will clamor to hear it because it will feed their souls.” 

Then He whispered to me, “Gone are the days for generic words for a generic people, in a generic time. Those, in this season, that come close to me to listen will, in the next season will advance, thrive, and grow. For they will speak a word that is in alignment with what I am doing and because of it they will gain ground in the kingdom. Those, in that season, that will not come through this door of prayer to sit, in the next season, will shrink, wilt, and die: both in size and influence.”

The Lord is offering an invitation for His Bride to come and sit. This is a moment where He is inviting His Bride to come away from the noise and the litany of words present. 

In these beginning moments of our year, can we as His Church heed that call to silence the noise. 

Can we come into the Wilderness to be alone with our Savior. Where He will speak lovingly to us. 

Can I encourage you to silence the phone. 

Turn off the computer. 

Put to sleep the tablet. 

Take a break from your news feeds. 

Not to listen in order to speak. But to listen. 

For those who listen to listen, will be given the word to be spoken. That when we speak, they will be words that the World and Church actually desires and needs to hear. 

– Joel Solomon

“The Lord is offering an invitation for His Bride to come and sit. This is a moment where He is inviting His Bride to come away from the noise and the litany of words present.”

One Response

  1. I have gone through the same in different ways. I to was told by the Angel in 2010 to not to eat or drink for 30 days. She said The Heavenly Host has instructed me to do this and I have welcomed it and obeyed. I took this fasting very serious and prayed. For God is the Great I Am. The Angel said: God will give you a new body and Spirit. It is very important to understand the Spirit of God. The Lord wants us to be close to him and be in the light. But know, you must believe, have faith and no doubt. But remember, just because we do the will of the lord and follow his command, it doesn’t mean you won’t have trials and tribulations. But when you get through the rough in your life, then you will know you have persevere.